一種是神所賜的永生之糧,即為真葡萄樹的耶穌的血;另一種是為野葡萄樹的魔鬼所給的糧,即邪淫的葡萄酒。耶穌是生命樹(約14: 6,15: 1-5),巴比倫的牧者是善惡樹(但4章),蛇(魔鬼)所給的糧就是善惡果。啟示錄在告知我們這兩種樹及果子。因此,不加刪啟示錄,領悟、相信並遵守之人就能得到救恩。
The Promised Two Seeds and God's Purpose
What are the two kinds of seeds that were promised? Are you a part of God's purpose?
Graduation Ceremony for the New Members of Shincheonji Church of Jesus
How may we belong to the 12 tribes at the time of Revelation to attain salvation? Graduating from one of the tribes is pivotal.
True Identities of the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
What are the true identities of the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Let's unveil the mystery of life and death.