The One Who Overcomes Promised in Revelation in the New Testament
There are promises Jesus made with the one who overcomes at the time of the fulfillment of Revelation. At the First Coming, Jesus overcame the world with the truth . I, too, was born from the light of the heavens and overcame the false pastors by testifying to the truth.
Seven Trumpet Sounds
This trumpet sound is the sound made when the seven seals of Revelation are broken. By breaking the seven seals, Jesus opens the scroll, so the word written in it is shown and read. The seven trumpet sounds are the voices of those who testify to the word and its fulfilled realities.
The True Pastor Jesus Promised in the New Covenant, Revelation
I, Man Hee Lee, am the promised pastor whom Jesus sent for the churches (Revelation 22:16). I have been sent to make known what must soon take place (the events of Revelation) to church pastors and congregation as promised in Revelation 1:1~2 and 10.